Air Fryer Bacon

Did you know that bacon cooked in the air fryer is so easy and delicious?

It’s a total game changer, y’all!

Air fryer bacon next to lettuce and a tomato

It is so much easier and way less messy than bacon cooked in the microwave, stovetop, baked in the oven, etc. It is so simple, plus the grease drains off into the lower reservoir. 

How do you Cook Bacon in the Air Fryer?

Purchase a package of your favorite bacon. Arrange them in the basket. A few folds are okay, but try not to overcrowd the pan. My air fryer is small, so I can only cook 3-4 pieces at a time. 

Bacon cooked in the air fryer

Cook for about 7 minutes (time varies based on your machine) at 375 degrees. I did take a peek half way through to see if anything needed to be re-spaced. Tongs are extremely helpful for this. True to form, bacon shrinks down quite a bit when cooking. Check it after 5-6 minutes, and see if you want it any more done. I like mine crispy. 

Remove bacon and place the cooked pieces on paper towels to drain off any remaining grease.

FYI: you may need to empty out the grease if you’re cooking multiple batches.

I used the bacon I cooked in these photos atop of a Fried Green Tomato BLT!

Fried Green Tomato blt

Air Fryer Bacon


  • bacon


  • Divide the bacon in half, and place the first half in the air fryer.
  • Set the temperature at 375 degrees, and set the timer to 7 minutes (possibly less time for thinner bacon).
  • Check it halfway through to see if anything needs to be rearranged (tongs are helpful!) Cook remainder of the time - check for doneness.