Thanksgiving Sandwich - turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, gravy on white bread

Thanksgiving Leftover Sandwich

Thanksgiving Leftover Sandwich – leftover turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, and cranberry sauce piled between two slices of bread. As much as I love the actual Thanksgiving meal, sometimes I think I like the leftovers even more. Sometimes I...

Baked brie with apples and cranberries

Apple Pecan Baked Brie

Apple Pecan Baked Brie – only 7 ingredients and one of my favorite Baked Brie recipes. It’s absolutely delicious!  I could eat Brie every single day. It’s a cheese that I never had growing up and was really only...

Apple pie muffins on a silver plate surrounded by apples

Apple Pie Muffins

My homemade Apple Pie Muffins are super simple to prepare and phenomenal in taste. I’ve been making this recipe for over 20 years! Have you seen the muffin man? Well, which way did he go? He just stole my...

Apple nachos - sliced apples with caramel, Reese’s pieces, marshmallow sauce, & peanuts

Caramel Apple Nachos

These Caramel Apple Nachos are like a caramel or candied apple but with way more toppings and decadence to enjoy. Super simple to make too! I have been making these Apple Nachos in some shape or form since my...